Thursday, August 16, 2012

all those murderers and stuff

WTF!Has kind of been the phrase escaping my lips alot lately . I try to be one of those people that kind of pays attention to the news , but lately the news has just been so freakin' weird , weird like up is down and down is up , like what is wrong with people , like why do the obvious criminals like the bankers on wall st. get away with stealing billions when innocent kids caught with a dime bag get murdered in the back of police cruisers.In Anaheim Ca. the cops killed two men in two days on the street where there were plenty of onlookers,families out and about were terrorized because they were witnesses to these horrible crimes, so what do the police do they shoot innocent civilians including children with rubber bullets and they also unleashed a german shepard police dog on a woman who was carrying a baby.I was inspired by how the people of Anaheim didnt back down to the police , they lead peaceful protests and vented their frustrations , which why shouldnt they be frustrated when not even a child is safe from police brutality . I watched a great video on youtube( where several children were being interviewed about what they saw and what happened to them and their friends , one girl who was perhaps 10 said she was running away from the police as they were firing and felt a sting on her leg where she was hit with a rubber bullet , and she also said they shot a 5 year old in the face.WTF!The other story is about James Holmes (the aurora co. shooter) this is such an american story , white kid from the San Diego suburbs who decides to kill a bunch of poeple . Surprised?I'm kind of not surprised at all actually mass killing is a old american past time . The settlers from Europe massacred the natives of this land so they could populate it with future James Holmes's and other serial killer types , our movies send messages that being a killer is cool , and being an elite killer for your government is even cooler and dont worry about those innocent civilians that get in the way.Video games are a no brainer (literally) they are perfect training for you to be a drone soldier killing people thousands of miles away , pretty much the movie "Toys" from the '90's is kind of our reality.People are always going to be psycho but with our fucked up advertising media cluster fuck reality who can blame 'em.I am not saying killers should not be held accountable they should , but our reality is flawed .I was cruising movies on netflix and the number of movies that displayed guns or had gun or killer in the title is more than half of the movies advertised.
 If we dont talk about these things , and alot of people dont want to talk they just want to stick there heads in the sand because they think they will be happier that way . I say that is the way of cowards and we need to speak out about what irks us , tweet it , or pin it , or just face it!
 And with all the negativity out there I send my love to help heal this cracked up world!

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