Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stevie queen of lace and goats

Stevie Nicks is known for her mystical image, her billowing chiffon skirts , shawls , layers of lace and long blonde hair. Margi Kent, a designer from California, has worked with Nicks since the 1970s to perfect her style.She is almost like a blonde virgin Mary but way sluttier , I am growing out my hair to its full shagginess to mirror her awesomeness. All hail Miss Nicks and her magic shawl power!!

1 comment:

phyte club katie said...

Think we could get Margi Kent to work on my image? I would love to channel Stevie! Whenever I see any documentary about Fleetwood Mac I get super nostalgic until realizing that no, I'm actually not Ms. Nicks.